Oil and gas reserves are located in the subsurface, several thousand feet below ground. Their exploration and production requires construction of well bore from earth surface to the subsurface reservoir. Drilling of such deep well bores requires suitable machines and good understanding of characteristics of subsurface reservoirs. Oil & Gas Rigs are massive and complex machine used for drilling of wellbores into the oil and gas reservoir. Rigs implement complex mechanical, electrical & electronics, hydraulic, chemical and geological technology for successful construction of well bore. Planning, design and construction of oil and gas wells is a complex engineering project. Drilling engineers perform several calculations to estimate the requirement of drilling tools, fluids, consumables and other accessories for construction of wellbore. They do day-to-day hydraulics, well control, mud and drilling engineering calculations at the well construction site. They also calculate the gross time required for well construction and estimate non-productive time & invisible lost time spent during drilling and completion of well.

Keeping this in mind, DrillCalc is an ideal ready reckoner for a drilling engineer. This handbook explains in a lucid manner, with suitable drawings, the concept behind various drilling engineering calculations. This book is useful to drilling engineer at the planning, drilling and completion phase of the well. Students of Petroleum engineering can learn and practice various calculations, which are part of their curriculum. There are modules on Basic calculation, drilling engineering, drilling hydraulics, well control and drilling fluids, which are useful to both students and professionals in the field.

Engineering Products

Simple, reliable and interactive Java programs are made for following rig site engineering calculations

Basic Bit related Calculations

  1. Bit total revolutions from mud motor
  2. Total Flow Area
  3. Pressure drop across bit
  4. Drill Bit Economics
  5. Basic cost per interval
  6. Historical versus projected cost per interval
  7. Break even analyses
  8. Assumed footage
  9. Assumed penetration rate

Well Hydraulics

  1. Annular volumes
  2. Lag Time
  3. Trip margin
  4. Pressure Drop Across Bit
  5. Annular Velocity
  6. Effective Viscosity Calculation
  7. Optimum Drilling Flow Rate
  8. Flow regime and critical Reynolds number for drilling hydraulics

Directional Drilling Computation

Well Control

  1. Hydrostatic Pressure
  2. Pressure gradient
  3. Formation Pressure
  4. Overburden Pressure
  5. Fracture Pressure
  6. Pump pressure
  7. LOT
  8. FIT
  9. Slow Pump Rate (SCR)
  10. SIDPP
  11. SICP
  12. BHP
  13. Annulus Capacity
  14. Fluid Level Drop
  15. Kill Mud Weight

Well kill calculations

  1. Hydrostatic pressure loss due to gas cut
  2. Influx height
  3. Kill mud weight
  4. Actual gas migration rate
  5. Estimate gas migration rate
  6. Type of influx
  7. Formation Pressure well shut in
  8. Adjust MASCIP
  9. Max influx height
  10. Max shut in pressure
  11. Max Formation Pressure
  12. Max surface pressure
  13. Kick Tolerance Factor

Drilling Optimization Products

  1. Mechanical Specific Energy
  2. Surge and Swab Analyses
  3. Torque and Drag Analyses
  4. String Vibration
  5. Flow Back Finger print and Early Kick Detection

DrillCalc applications include plots for Mechanical Specific Energy, Surge and Swab, Torque and Drag produced from real time data batch files.

Interactive panes pop up asking you to feed input values. After input, output panes are produced displaying computation results. Rig professionals spend some time doing manual calculations to get useful information like EMW, Hydrostatic Pressure, Pump output etc. They can compute this information from DRILLCALC programs and save a lot of their valuable time.

DRILLCALC™ application computes basic drilling formula like annular volume, lag time to complex well computations like pore pressure, well control and drilling optimization. Using web-based connectivity, DRILLCALC™ can be used on any device with web connectivity. It can be installed on laptops, tablets or desktops getting real time drilling data either in batches or in real time. User friendly efficient java based well control, MSE, Drilling Optimization, Pore Pressure modules are present in DRILLCALC™. Graphic user interface is used to feed basic data and info of a rig, well and field. Once basic data is entered and validated, real time data can be loaded to DRILLCALC™ in a predefined standard format to get critical decision-making engineering results. From DRILLCALC™ modules, trends in pore pressure, MSE, torque and drag, vibrations can be obtained. DRILLCALC™ is useful in getting critical well control parameters in the event of kick or mud losses, surge and swab computation during casing job or for optimizing hydraulics.

  1. Stuck Pipe Calculations
    1. Free point constant
    2. Depth of stuck pipe
  2. Annular Volumes and Lag time Computation
  3. Hydraulics
    1. Annular volumes
    2. Lag Time
    3. Trip margin
    4. Pressure Drop Across Bit
    5. Annular Velocity
    6. Effective Viscosity Calculation
    7. Optimum Drilling Flow Rate
    8. Flow regime and critical Reynolds number for drilling hydraulics
  4. Directional Drilling Computation
    1. TVD calculation from MD.
  5. Well Cementing Computation
  6. Well Control
    1. Hydrostatic Pressure
    2. Pressure gradient
    3. Formation Pressure
    4. Overburden Pressure
    5. Fracture Pressure
    6. Pump pressure
    7. LOT
    8. FIT
    9. Slow Pump Rate (SCR)
    10. SIDPP
    11. SICP
    12. BHP
    13. Annulus Capacity
    14. Fluid Level Drop
    15. Kill Mud Weight
  7. Pore Pressure
  8. Cutting carrying index.
  9. Basic Bit related Calculations
    1. Bit total revolutions from mud motor
    2. Total Flow Area
    3. Pressure drops across bit
    4. Drill Bit Economics
    5. Basic cost per interval
    6. Historical versus projected cost per interval
    7. Break even analyses
    8. Assumed footage
    9. Assumed penetration rate
  10. Optimum flow rate
    1. Critical flow rate
    2. Cutting Carrying Index
    3. Reynold Number
    4. Power Law Constant
    5. Effective Viscosity
    6. Pressure Loss surface equipment
    7. Pressure loss in annulus
    8. Pressure loss drill string
    9. Surge swab
    10. Cutting slip velocity
  11. Well kill calculations
    1. Hydrostatic pressure loss due to gas cut
    2. Influx height
    3. Kill mud weight
    4. Actual gas migration rate
    5. Estimate gas migration rate
    6. Type of influx
    7. Formation Pressure well shut in
    8. Adjust MASCIP
    9. Max influx height
    10. Max shut in pressure
    11. Max Formation Pressure
    12. Max surface pressure
    13. Kick Tolerance Factor

Value added Services: Drilling Optimization

These services require a batch of real time data in a specific format. Data input produces graphic trend with depth or time.

  1. Mechanical Specific Energy (MSE)

    : MSE is a valuable optimization tool for drilling professionals. It is the amount of energy required to drill unit rock volume. MSE trend identify drilling inefficiencies. Objective of drilling optimization is to reduce MSE and increase ROP. Drillers maintain least MSE and high ROP by varying WOB, RPM and mud flow rate. Unexpected MSE changes indicate formation change or poor drilling parameters. MSE should be close to formation true compressive strength.
  2. Torque & Drag Analyses

  3. Drill String Vibration Analyses

  4. Pore Pressure

  5. Maximum ROP for Efficient Hole Cleaning. Wellbore Stability and Hole Cleaning Efficiency.

  6. Reservoir Characterization from Gas Ratio Plots

  7. Pump Off Gas Analyses – Detection Of Fluid Influx – Flow Back Fingerprint Analyses - Well Surveillance - Early Kick Detection.